(Or to be more spot-on: He kissed me!!!)
I was kissed.
(Now say this in ClueDo fashion and it will sound like the way it is going in my head)
By a stranger. Out of the blue. In the Victoria station. With his lips.
I was stunned!!!
A complete stranger?
A bloody good-looking bloke. (But still...)
I stood there stunned.
He came to me and gave me a huge smile. Kissed both my cheeks. Took my left hand in both of his, kissed it too.
Then smiled again. Then walked away.
I was still standing in the same spot 20 seconds later.
The attendant (who looked like a Jamaican) saw the whole thing, looked at me and said, "I'm guessing you don't know him?"
I shook my head vehemently. "Never seen him before in my life."
And she said, ''He was cute. And it's ok. Your boyfriend don't see...if he did, it's trouble..."
Say what?!?
Sing it with me now... You must remember this... A kiss is just a kiss.... (despite being stolen?)
Apparently for the attendant lady, that is a Y-E-S!!!