It is the extreme that inspires. Whether a thought, an action or a memory, it is that which is put into the extreme that defines an experience. The form is but secondary- it is what it brings on that is prime rib. It is not a simple case of happiness VS sadness. (In actual fact, it ain't simple at all.) In all honestly, why would anyone waste time writing down your feelings when youre on top of the happiness mound? Just revel in your happiness...
Though in times of sadness, it is a completely different ballgame. I feel that one writes with utmost poignancy because any intense feelings (regardless of +/-) dupes us out of normalcy and gets us thinking and feeling so much that in the end the only thing to do is (at least for this blogger) W-R-I-T-E. I don't understand the whys and wherefores of so many things, but before i lay me down to eternal quietude, I would love nothing more than to know more truths about LOVE(the kind that lasts, the kind that speaks of forever).
不论到哪里 总会看到你。。。 长得相似的人,看起来都像你。。。岁然你已经不在我身边。。。自己已经往前走我的路。 但是为甚么还不断出现在我眼前? 我为甚么竟然等待, 不让你离开我。
我相信彼此喜欢的人, 终究还是会重逢, 不管两个人相隔再遥远,终究还是会回来。 只要能使一切当做没发生过.
疯狂爱你的记忆和往事正在寻找你。 不能再以爱情为理由束缚你。 爱情终究会回来.
I see him in everyone I encounter. Still and all, it is his face that lights up the crowd. Every day I see him, and every person I see resembles him. And although I've moved on and he is no longer beside me, I walk my walk and his memory never leaves me. I wonder- why does he never disappear? I know not why I keep his memory close by me.
(Maybe I believe too much in romance that it works against my psyche.)