Was pleasantly surprised by your question about Destiny.
If I believed in it。。。
Let me talk to you about this thing called destiny. It comes in close connivance with that other thing called Fate. I have always had it in my imaginings that Destiny's the guy, and Fate- well you guessed it, she's Miss Thang. And the two of them is a rarely formed union- almost a phantasmic one。 But let me tell you how this couple shakes you up, titillates you and just saunters off。。。 leaving you wondering/wandering to fend for the banalities of (dare I say?)。。。 *love*
Ahh, yes. Fate & Destiny。 Under a tree。 Coosome twosome that they are, they don't come by every day, but I bet you when they do they definitely leave a mark。
How dare love。 How dare love, indeed。。。
But we are digressing。 I don't know about Destiny。 I believe in it, of course and I know it will happen but until it does. Let's call it my emotional Loch Ness. I can't put my finger on it, but I know it's an important part of the equation.
Let me tell you about signs. Yes, signs. Because for destiny to come through, you have to know how to spot signs. Yes, the real thing that overwhelms you in circumspect and you’re stuck for a nanosecond, lost in neither here or there。。。 That, my dear, is a bloody sign。
Like waking up at 6 in the morning because 2 liters of spring water (Evian on the dancefloor!) miraculously spilt on your bed and found its way up your thighs so you're wet。 Right there. It's the shits if you slept at 3-- having spent the early part of the night redwining and dining and then nightcapping by overloading your tipsy self with a healthy dose of self- studying 。。。 So, 6am & Evian wees into you。 Pray-tell, what's a gal to do? You resist the urge to stand but。。。two liters? Twas pneumonia or bust! So you somehow found your way up, amidst damning reluctance-- and you remove a stack of books from the bed. A hotel servette comes out of nowhere-- you grab a hold of it and start cleaning up the mess (which technically is not a mess because it's spring water。。。but the amount of spring water gushing into your bed is not something you ignore, not at 6 in the morning。 You remember thinking that it had to be good quality servette because despite the amount of water that it was absorbing, it still was intact。 Not the awful kind they had at the £1 store. The servette had Baglioni Hotels written on it. You think hard and then remember where it came from but you can't. So you google it. And you see pictures of the bar and suddenly, it hits you that some months ago, someone brought you to the best date of your life and... there inside that hotel you had cafe disaronno.
And he asked you to see him. Exclusively. You hold on to the servette and start waving the hairdryer in dire hopes of saving the token whilst remembering how you said no without thinking because you didn't want any trouble。 Because that question was a headache, and often those lead to hearthache。 And because you panicked。 All these thoughts because of a serving napkin-- you realize with regret that mayber you should have been more open to seeing him。 And now you think maybe(just maybe) you were too harsh on him and that you've lost your chance because he's gone now。
Think that's a sign? I think it's impossible to miss that as an un-sign.
Hmm lunchbreak is almost over.
Let me think about your destiny question. It's the kind of question that gets to me. Permit me to write again.