So I asked him if he smoked. He said he didn't. And intimated that it was a sign to give it up since smoking was no good for me anyway. Then he opened up and told me he was a healer.
"Which means what?" I asked him, curious now.
Apparently to be a healer means a variety of things to a variety of different people. One very good healer was Tony Perez, who was my professor in Shamanism. Kay, my ex-flatmate was also practicing to become a healer. I reckon this one took his craft as seriously as the other two.
Before you check into the Clarity Clinic you have to be open and receptive to a lot of things. I personally think I am very spiritual, but not to the point that-
I didn't drink alcohol. (Teetotaler)
Or take coffee. (Non-caffeine ingesting. Uh-oh! Check my Fafafini files!!!)
Or smoke.
Or eat chocolate. (I am a founding member of Chocoholics Anon!)
One thing he does is follow the vegetarian diet.
I claim to finding the Garden Variety Healer!!!
Come to think of it, he can actually go through FDA inspection and I am confident he'd get the
Can you get any more new age than that???
Apart from the alcohol which I can give up with ease (although the sour amarettos do tempt me to dip into the alcoholic ink once in a good while...), sat opposite him, I was a smoking, meat-eating, caffeine addict who loved her chocolate. It was like Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy on crack! Except that I was the one on all the horrendous substances on my checklist. If ever one had a 'shrinking violet' moment, that would have been mine.
But his enthusiasm was infectious and his body language was open. And as far as violets go, I am sure that my good heart and intentions far outweigh my numerous vices. (Right.)
His name was Wayne and he was a 26 year old healer from St Albans. Two stops from me. Healer man meant to come heal me of my addictions. Whoopeeeeeee!!
Said he sensed that I was very spiritual and that I shouldn't feel bad about being what I was because the choices he made for himself were not imposed on other people. We walked out of the West Hampstead station and exchanged digits. He offered to meet up with me and give me a reading soon.
As we passed the West Hampstead Overground we said cheery goodbyes and 10 seconds later, he called after me to say he should take the Jubilee (the one I was taking) to Richmond. I told him I was going to the Barrio Fiesta in Hounslow and uhmmm eat lechon kawali (fried fatty pork), among other things.
So we went on chatting. We clicked. Obviously. It was very good banter and I could tell we were equally enthused that we were both into the whole spiritual thing. When I was about to get off at Green Park, the announcement came that everyone was to get off at this same stop and wait for trains to bring them to their destination. Unbelievable. It almost felt like we were brought together by fate. It was a whirling experience and I had to kind of wheel myself away from him. It wasn't romantic at all. More auric than anything else.
All that aside, meeting a healer was a fab experience. I must admit that I've tried countless times to be a vegetarian (but failed). I've quit smoking but a birthday celebratory fag got me back to my nicotine fix again. The coffee I can give up a step at a time. But the fag and eating veggie are definitely priorities. The former to cease and the latter to start.
Let's stay tuned to this detox exercise.