Fellow LEO, former colleague and Moksha (see pic) symphatizer, Drew- and I are in touch regularly. We've always clicked and I have always sort of felt we were siblings from different mothers! Back in the day, we usually started drinking after work and mosey on to Moksha, and have our regular usapang anything under the sun. Who can forget the first time we had flaming tigers? OMG!!!
And as we are both leos who believe in love, romance and the entire idealistic hullaballoo (to a damning fault!), more than once during regularly hobnobbing with Jack, Johnny and Hennessy endlessly in Moksha, our hidden watering hole in the San Juan area, we spoke about the less-than idyllic trait of our Leonine madness- the olats factor.
Foursome that we were, I remember intimating to Gette & Jeremy how it wasn't 'our thing' to just ask people out. Drew just flat out said he didn't do it and I said that in the few and far between times I asked out men I liked, it was not only unsuccessfull, it ended in a horrific dramedy (the kind you never want to relive!)
Torpe, olats and whatever else it's called, it is true. But in this case, the Leos are unabashed followers of the 'fear factor' and would rather not.
As leos go, we are both big-hearted, magnanimous, generous, born leaders and, well... olats to the max... We always talk about how leos never know how to make the first date move. We not only suck, we are virtually incapable of the action. Maybe it is the fear of rejection that halts us to a fault, it is quite the debilitating thing... but having said that, we simply retreat because of a forgettable alter ego that we both possess. We have to consistently remind each other on chat that although we don't play hard to get, it is definitely the way it looks from another person's point of view. It is the bittersweet of my tribe. Maybe shyness is 'THE' leonine key to thriving in dateland. I always tell him I can't do it that way, and he always nods quietly and always reminds me- just be yourself...don't pretend to be someone you're not.
MY Fellow Leonizer, Drew- we are two of A kind! We play the waiting game so well, that we have it down pat --to a T... Partners inParalysis over Analysis .
So to Drew who hates to read, I will keep this short and tell you that you are missed, although all your advice are much, much appreciated. And soon enough, we will drink with our boys again!!! I truly truly miss the good ol times.