

My colleague Alpay bought me lunch today. It was the first time that he ever offered me anything outside of cigs and his Mediterranean flirt power. (The former I fell for and the latter I wouldn't dream of ever indulging.) I couldn't leave the office because all the gals were out on a wild goose chase. As he left the bacon sandwich on my desk, he called, ''You do eat pork, don't you?" It was only after he left the room that I realized that the last time I had a carnivorous feast was the Saturday I went to see Bunny in her office in Central London and had take-out brinjal vindalu. Effin' vindaloo was so bloody spicy I was sweating out of my eyeballs!!! Pork I hadn't had in months... the last time was the Notting Hill festival when I had home-made English breakfast.

So yeah, despite my hunger I couldn't eat the sandwich and when I did bite into it at half two(not the white bread though-- I am very carb-conscious, I reserve it for my unputdownable sweet tooth!!!), I found that the entire experience was more than a tad unpleasant. (No I didn't finish the fare but let's not tell Alpay and hurt his feelings.) I was still squeamish when we hit the nearby pub, and when I ended up sharing a tuna panini with one of the gals, I found that I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I haven't had tuna in more than two months. I had a pint of cider and Lucy dropped my semi-inebriated a** home at about 8 I think. Whatta change. Gone were the weekends that 8pm was my starting time to prepare for a night-out of drinking and all-night dancing. Oh my!!! I was thinking how much I enjoyed dancing and if I do push through with that business trip next month, I am definitely going to dirtydance the night away!!!

I finally made the decision to avoid putting flesh and fowl into mine lips. Hmmm...something green comes to mind but I will bite my tongue and talk about the call to vegetarianism.

The decision has been long overdue and had nada to do with my intoxicated state. It just had to do with me and my penchant for dilly-dallying.

Pork was the easiest to give up as I've always loved lamb and shrimp above all. Chicken and turkey was the middle ground as far as my palate was concerned. I have always been partial to seafood and brandy (Thanks to my Dad!!!) And we both loved alcohol with a heaving passion (now it can be told!) And my mom has been a devout Buddhist all her life, I would have to say it is further complicated by my deep-seated knowledge about the Way of Life. My upbringing had a lot to do with my decision (and a little oomp-ah!!! of the Catholic guilt). Quite honestly am a bit of a wuss when I see videos of animals being slaughtered, I cringe. I don't especially like animals, but I do have a huge hole of human decency there somewhere.

My attitude towards life and the individuals I meet is open. (What is normal these days anyways???) I believe everyone who comes into your life leaves an emotional etch, no matter how marked or minute. Sometimes they stay for a short while but their influence, life-changing. Sometimes (like my ex) they have shared any nook and cranny of your life with you, and you never thought you could live without. And years later, you realize you're doing much better and are a much better person. It doesn't mean you forget him, but it means you let him go. Cin always says that 'he' was but a taster and that the best of em all is yet to come. I used to think he was it, yet now, I believe that she's right. There is always a reason why love never works out (even when it feels right)... I believe that there is always someone else better waiting to come along. Always, always, always!

But it does get more difficult. For as we grow older, the people seem to just come and go. So it is up to you to make the few and far between souls that hit the connection button count! Give them time and serious consideration. Ry told me that you won't regret going the extra mile for those that do make their mark. I think this is one of the qualities I like about myself, that I've been exposed to so many things that I don't get threatened as easily as I should...within reason. And I do make it a point to love and share my time with my friends. It helps that I listen when I am spoken to and that I don't shock easily. To whom much is given, much is expected. Did they not say that? Being exposed to various beliefs does not a complicated person make me. My friends all hate my naivete and that I lack the malice gene that sometimes gets me into toil and trouble cauldron bubble a phrase the Bard penned in one of his creations! with some strange ones. I probably will lose all that child-like hopefulness one of these days...you never know.

But I have to say that with all that I've given up, there are things I will never give up--

Dancing (yes the drunken-down-and-dirty kind!!!)...
my Tomboy complex (and no, I am NOT lesbian!)
My leather jacket (this is so un-vegan!!!)
Choklit milkshakes (another VERY anti-vegan statement!!!), and,
amaretto sours!!!